VMAA’s Business
Association Recife/PE
Business Associates
Paula Cristiane Vieira de Melo
Bar enrollment (OAB-PE) No. 20.830
Lawyer; Graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Pernambuco -UNICAP;
Specialist in Civil and Commercial Law from UNICAP;
Proficient in English and Portuguese.
Francisco André Fernandes Duarte
Bar enrollment (OAB-PE) No. 21.390
Lawyer; Graduated in Business Administration from the Pernambuco University and Law from the SOPECE;
Proficient in English and Portuguese.
Address: Avenida República do Líbano, nº 251, Empresarial RioMar Trade Center,
Torre 2, 6º andar, Suite 604, Pina District, Recife-PE, Brazil, CEP. 51.110-320
Online Meeting
In addition to face-to-face meetings at our office facilities,
we also offer online meetings using multiple platforms:
Cisco Webex, Whatsapp, Hangout or Google Meet (from Google), Skype, Zoom, etc.